Mu-Barack to Obama (congrats in Arabic)
Mu-Barack Obama (mubarack in Arabic is congratulations) With his proximity to problems and ability to comprehend them Obama just fits the bill. be seen are his leadership abilities to steer the machinery running in a direction that will tend to solve the problems he perceived..... This is a victory to be cherished by the subjects of all the democracies across the world(s). Obama’s election restated Lincoln’s dictum: Democracy is for the people, of the people but to be run by the deserving meritorious from among that people…meritocracy…leave nation-running to professionals…you are in the safe hands for the meritorious with compassion at heart. A leader who won the hearts and appealed to brains at the same time. Leading a disciplined army is different from managing a pub with dancers(amateur/ skilled), and bouncers...a vibrant democracy is more akin to the latter. People dancing on the same level floor in various degrees of intoxications (of ideologies), hues (of makeup)...