Mu-Barack to Obama (congrats in Arabic)
Mu-Barack Obama
(mubarack in Arabic is congratulations)
With his proximity to problems and ability to comprehend them Obama just fits the bill. be seen are his leadership abilities to steer the machinery running in a direction that will tend to solve the problems he perceived.....
This is a victory to be cherished by the subjects of all the democracies across the world(s).
Obama’s election restated Lincoln’s dictum:
Democracy is for the people, of the people but to be run by the deserving meritorious from among that people…meritocracy…leave nation-running to professionals…you are in the safe hands for the meritorious with compassion at heart. A leader who won the hearts and appealed to brains at the same time.
Leading a disciplined army is different from managing a pub with dancers(amateur/ skilled), and bouncers...a vibrant democracy is more akin to the latter. People dancing on the same level floor in various degrees of intoxications (of ideologies), hues (of makeup), to strike a common chord with all parties...'native English-speakers’ (alias white Americans)...immigrants(fresh and seasoned),...AAs. Let the grand pub-goers rock to the tunes of DJ Obama.
But in a well running machinery there is not much to be done by the leader, he / she becomes immaterial...for example in Switzerland the media or people don't care who is the premier...ideally leaders should not weigh so much when the team is strong...collaborative approach. Systems matter and not individuals. Autopilot.
Of Race in the Race: (an eye catching rare USP)
As it is being widely perceived it ain’t 'race' in the white house… but is a race to the white house. Of course the question of Race in the Race…has always been looming.
Obama’s is not of that African American origin whom media at large is relating to ‘as the first black’ etc…that idea is misleading. Like Nicholas Sarkozy of France he is born to an immigrant and raised in liberal and well-informed backdrop. Obama is as much white as he is black... by birth he is as much a Muslim as he was Christian, by choice he may be a x-ian now.
While the previous generations of AAs can trace back their roots into slavery, the dream of King is referred to a different set of people all together. (we cannot forge it on Obama), they were forced into immigration in captivated slave trade, where as Obama’s ancestral origin Kenya his father’s free will to travel and learn, voluntary migration…there is much difference between the two. One more striking difference he did not choose to settle in ‘land of living opportunities’ after his education and even after entering into a wedlock. Perhaps the previous marriage/associations in Kenya had their influence in the post fantasy reality. Hence one can’t expect to see any traits of servile innocence or ‘fear- for master’ attitude coded in the president-elect’s genes or direct ancestry.
Recent America is built on the back of immigrants, a contribution of talent from world wide ranging from chess grand masters and tennis players from erstwhile USSR, from Europe, middle order IT geeks from India, musicians from the Latin world, a buffet of wide range assorted dishes on whom ‘investors’ can bet on and consumers can count on.
While they yester-century’s Hawaii as then perceived as the melting pot of differences between races, colors…whereas the mainland USA was then more ‘conservative’. De-stressing melting pot and scenic, colorful mountains skirting smooth white beaches, a perfect setting for dissolving identities. Today after half a century of media presence, science and technology the whole nation of mainland USA is the biggest melting pot…catalyzed by the Internet.
There is a harsh perception I wish I never had, “Had it been in the modern times the abortion advocated by democrats would have killed the very conception/idea of Obama Jr. or dismissed as a teenage practical an extended fantasy.., 99.9999% ( 6 sigma) free spirited interracial communions end up in separations and their concepts abandoned calling it ‘pragmatic to abort in difficult to raise alone situations’. Thanks to the good old days there was an attempt to formalize, nourish and settle.”
From the ages of “Gone with the wind” through the days of ‘To kill a mocking bird’ and till the pages of “Audacity of hope”, Obama has breathed hope into the body and legacy of King’s dreams. An offspring of fresh wave of globalization and liberal values.
Intellectual association and global exposure right from childhood…at 47 he is one of the oldest among his kind of multiracial origin and upbringing. A bridge between contrasts ideal for inclusive development.
While Oprah winfrey, Michael jordan, and Michel Jackson are 100% blacks of AA origin (from all generations)…
Obama’s birth and up brining was not typical then…therefore it is un-fair to associate him AA.‘as first black in white house etc.’ Yes he is ‘first non-white in white house’ rather grey in white house.
The kind of global exposure and travel which no AA kid could ever imagine in his days or even today…they hardly know beyond their project area in their state. Having seen a mother do her Ph. D in anthropology (Haan! say that again! They still don’t know nothing.) about a remote bunch of islands oceans apart, while he is still a kid or be it hearing about Harvard (in the context of his estranged father) etc, not every AA kid even today leave alone in those days has such a privilege. Where good higher education is made a high priced commodity.
While he is not at fault his biography matches the typical boy next door image in these days.
The family has a first priority for best education despite stress and strains, ups and downs in personal lives. And continuing education…irrespective of location or times, is what kept them going.
Despite those weird circumstances he made it to Harvard and gave his best to himself and to the world. Not taking to drugs, permanently giving up. He has been a fighter through out.
Sr. Obama was the born-free citizen of an independent Kenya willing travelled to the United states for education and incidentally love happened (resonance of like frequencies) and rest is his-story. Until he moved to main land USA Jr. Obama could not strike a common chord with AAs and their problems and met Michelle he mixed with true AA culture. Joined that culture laterally or in school, mentally he was still white but others saw him at college as black. At campus students from the whole world were his peers. His undergrad major ‘political science with international relations’ a perfect prerequisite for US president at these tested times and given his family background. It seems Nature plans every thing much ahead one can imagine.
Of Winning the Race:
Success in a dual is often how the opponent errs rather than how well you do. Don’t err and you can win.
The idea of am-Bush administration is, “let us close our eyes and drink the milk(oil?) and we won’t be visible to the whole world” went fundamentally wrong…
When Americans joined the with the 'rest of the world' after 9/11, they were so dumb to allow their President to search where there is more light...the average public opinion was indifferent, "good he is attacking some bearded nation to vent out 9/11 anger..." dumb common perception.
One noticeable point, unlike in India, Death sentiment of grandma’s was not used or publicized, (cautiously omitted) by his campaign…that’s great…leaving leader’s to their privacy and not cashing in on death of their near and dear to whip up emotional vote. Had it been India all his immediate campaigners would have flown to Hawaii sat by his grandma’s deathbed and beam live the ‘ritual’ of cremation on the eve of election.
The fact is not all parts of the world are mature enough or ready for...imposing democracy is not solution for peace...some parts communities and cultures are not mature enough for democracy. Remember what happened even in the USA during the last elections in Florida, to the extent democrats had to expend big cash to field 5000 lawyers as watch dogs of voting process in this election, key largo is indeed the key battle ground state..
“If you are poor and religious you must be a terrorist state and if u don't trade in petro dollars you are in our bad books”: kind of policy, coupled with ‘current day casino style capitalism’ and free ride to b-school money managers boom rang and snow balled into this memorable failure for Republicans or ‘status-quo-ers’. This is glaringly vested interest driven policy making and enforcing.
‘Another master piece from the same creator’, media wants known grooves to harp on, they look for precedents, experience is good but not 40 years No thanks, lack of experience is good grounds to reject, "the fundamentals of our economy are strong..." such a ignorant, irresponsible, out dated, uninformed, statement from somebody who looks like just come back from the grave….Mccain.
When i saw the distinguished leaders (US president along with Pakistan PM) address a press conference in white house lawns, i wondered how dumb the judgment of the voters of the happening democracy like USA could be in electing Bush...where was this McCain 4 or even 8 years ago, was he a family appeaser like we find in India ...after all this is not a running a C store if am not there you can buy from my son Jr. the Bush. Was Mccain’s identity, his heroism and maverickness shadowed by Baby Bush's wailing to be the next president...clearly his confused leadership of a super power has cost the world fact it was Jr. Bush who was not ready for Presidency then and am afraid even after 2 centuries would not be either.
My sister has been a music student for over a decade now with a teacher and performs fairly well good music knowledge and voice culture a rare combination good enough to hold (if not enthrall) audience for 3 hours...
However the teacher assured her a 10 min appearance in the break session during her kid-grand daughter's concert who is a US citizen kid who barely started speaking a year ago. (Had the kid been a music prodigy or exceptionally good that would be different case). The same teacher would comment adversely when Pundit Ravi Shankar accompanies his biological daughter on the dais to ‘introduce or hand hold’...that nepotism is running the an evolving democracy like India it is inevitable but also in a seasoned democracy like USA, reflects in the choice of Jr. Bush.
Bush is the hidden architect of Obama’s political success, Lehman Brothers(Layman or Layoff brothers) episode and economy just came handy and McCain’s one leg in grave…age may not be factor in exuding energies or effort but ‘generation gap’(not mere age gap) is the fear that drove the younger voters to Obama (Hey look grandpa might not understand ye all!). Ironically every field of career has a retirement age…but not politics.
And the winner is US democracy:
That's the beauty with 'driving change' and giving an opportunity...younger bride can be more productive. More chances of fertility.
One more +ve unsung attribute of US democracy, they can bring down their leaders after their max 2 terms...which cannot happen in any other contemporary political system...the leaders would glue to the seat of power or fight for it unto death.
Whereas in the USA however good or bad the President may be, they replace him/or her like a soiled T-shirt...sharply by end of 8 years, no matter what. Thanks to that rule and abiding by the systems.
In India or in erstwhile the common argument against it is, “in an unorganized world it is so tough to 'cut grooves' in people's memory and therefore we can't retire from politics till we die. Only death can separate us from power or race to power. Where as in organized Obama is possible due to its transparency in funding for elections etc. in India such a feat is impossible within one human life time”. This is key differentiator of USA from the rest of the world.
The moral of this election is: It is not the length of the river that matters but the invisible depth of it that delivers volumes.
Amazon prevails over Nile.
Grey matter matters, but not grey hair alone.
-Indee Nemani,
(mubarack in Arabic is congratulations)
With his proximity to problems and ability to comprehend them Obama just fits the bill. be seen are his leadership abilities to steer the machinery running in a direction that will tend to solve the problems he perceived.....
This is a victory to be cherished by the subjects of all the democracies across the world(s).
Obama’s election restated Lincoln’s dictum:
Democracy is for the people, of the people but to be run by the deserving meritorious from among that people…meritocracy…leave nation-running to professionals…you are in the safe hands for the meritorious with compassion at heart. A leader who won the hearts and appealed to brains at the same time.
Leading a disciplined army is different from managing a pub with dancers(amateur/ skilled), and bouncers...a vibrant democracy is more akin to the latter. People dancing on the same level floor in various degrees of intoxications (of ideologies), hues (of makeup), to strike a common chord with all parties...'native English-speakers’ (alias white Americans)...immigrants(fresh and seasoned),...AAs. Let the grand pub-goers rock to the tunes of DJ Obama.
But in a well running machinery there is not much to be done by the leader, he / she becomes immaterial...for example in Switzerland the media or people don't care who is the premier...ideally leaders should not weigh so much when the team is strong...collaborative approach. Systems matter and not individuals. Autopilot.
Of Race in the Race: (an eye catching rare USP)
As it is being widely perceived it ain’t 'race' in the white house… but is a race to the white house. Of course the question of Race in the Race…has always been looming.
Obama’s is not of that African American origin whom media at large is relating to ‘as the first black’ etc…that idea is misleading. Like Nicholas Sarkozy of France he is born to an immigrant and raised in liberal and well-informed backdrop. Obama is as much white as he is black... by birth he is as much a Muslim as he was Christian, by choice he may be a x-ian now.
While the previous generations of AAs can trace back their roots into slavery, the dream of King is referred to a different set of people all together. (we cannot forge it on Obama), they were forced into immigration in captivated slave trade, where as Obama’s ancestral origin Kenya his father’s free will to travel and learn, voluntary migration…there is much difference between the two. One more striking difference he did not choose to settle in ‘land of living opportunities’ after his education and even after entering into a wedlock. Perhaps the previous marriage/associations in Kenya had their influence in the post fantasy reality. Hence one can’t expect to see any traits of servile innocence or ‘fear- for master’ attitude coded in the president-elect’s genes or direct ancestry.
Recent America is built on the back of immigrants, a contribution of talent from world wide ranging from chess grand masters and tennis players from erstwhile USSR, from Europe, middle order IT geeks from India, musicians from the Latin world, a buffet of wide range assorted dishes on whom ‘investors’ can bet on and consumers can count on.
While they yester-century’s Hawaii as then perceived as the melting pot of differences between races, colors…whereas the mainland USA was then more ‘conservative’. De-stressing melting pot and scenic, colorful mountains skirting smooth white beaches, a perfect setting for dissolving identities. Today after half a century of media presence, science and technology the whole nation of mainland USA is the biggest melting pot…catalyzed by the Internet.
There is a harsh perception I wish I never had, “Had it been in the modern times the abortion advocated by democrats would have killed the very conception/idea of Obama Jr. or dismissed as a teenage practical an extended fantasy.., 99.9999% ( 6 sigma) free spirited interracial communions end up in separations and their concepts abandoned calling it ‘pragmatic to abort in difficult to raise alone situations’. Thanks to the good old days there was an attempt to formalize, nourish and settle.”
From the ages of “Gone with the wind” through the days of ‘To kill a mocking bird’ and till the pages of “Audacity of hope”, Obama has breathed hope into the body and legacy of King’s dreams. An offspring of fresh wave of globalization and liberal values.
Intellectual association and global exposure right from childhood…at 47 he is one of the oldest among his kind of multiracial origin and upbringing. A bridge between contrasts ideal for inclusive development.
While Oprah winfrey, Michael jordan, and Michel Jackson are 100% blacks of AA origin (from all generations)…
Obama’s birth and up brining was not typical then…therefore it is un-fair to associate him AA.‘as first black in white house etc.’ Yes he is ‘first non-white in white house’ rather grey in white house.
The kind of global exposure and travel which no AA kid could ever imagine in his days or even today…they hardly know beyond their project area in their state. Having seen a mother do her Ph. D in anthropology (Haan! say that again! They still don’t know nothing.) about a remote bunch of islands oceans apart, while he is still a kid or be it hearing about Harvard (in the context of his estranged father) etc, not every AA kid even today leave alone in those days has such a privilege. Where good higher education is made a high priced commodity.
While he is not at fault his biography matches the typical boy next door image in these days.
The family has a first priority for best education despite stress and strains, ups and downs in personal lives. And continuing education…irrespective of location or times, is what kept them going.
Despite those weird circumstances he made it to Harvard and gave his best to himself and to the world. Not taking to drugs, permanently giving up. He has been a fighter through out.
Sr. Obama was the born-free citizen of an independent Kenya willing travelled to the United states for education and incidentally love happened (resonance of like frequencies) and rest is his-story. Until he moved to main land USA Jr. Obama could not strike a common chord with AAs and their problems and met Michelle he mixed with true AA culture. Joined that culture laterally or in school, mentally he was still white but others saw him at college as black. At campus students from the whole world were his peers. His undergrad major ‘political science with international relations’ a perfect prerequisite for US president at these tested times and given his family background. It seems Nature plans every thing much ahead one can imagine.
Of Winning the Race:
Success in a dual is often how the opponent errs rather than how well you do. Don’t err and you can win.
The idea of am-Bush administration is, “let us close our eyes and drink the milk(oil?) and we won’t be visible to the whole world” went fundamentally wrong…
When Americans joined the with the 'rest of the world' after 9/11, they were so dumb to allow their President to search where there is more light...the average public opinion was indifferent, "good he is attacking some bearded nation to vent out 9/11 anger..." dumb common perception.
One noticeable point, unlike in India, Death sentiment of grandma’s was not used or publicized, (cautiously omitted) by his campaign…that’s great…leaving leader’s to their privacy and not cashing in on death of their near and dear to whip up emotional vote. Had it been India all his immediate campaigners would have flown to Hawaii sat by his grandma’s deathbed and beam live the ‘ritual’ of cremation on the eve of election.
The fact is not all parts of the world are mature enough or ready for...imposing democracy is not solution for peace...some parts communities and cultures are not mature enough for democracy. Remember what happened even in the USA during the last elections in Florida, to the extent democrats had to expend big cash to field 5000 lawyers as watch dogs of voting process in this election, key largo is indeed the key battle ground state..
“If you are poor and religious you must be a terrorist state and if u don't trade in petro dollars you are in our bad books”: kind of policy, coupled with ‘current day casino style capitalism’ and free ride to b-school money managers boom rang and snow balled into this memorable failure for Republicans or ‘status-quo-ers’. This is glaringly vested interest driven policy making and enforcing.
‘Another master piece from the same creator’, media wants known grooves to harp on, they look for precedents, experience is good but not 40 years No thanks, lack of experience is good grounds to reject, "the fundamentals of our economy are strong..." such a ignorant, irresponsible, out dated, uninformed, statement from somebody who looks like just come back from the grave….Mccain.
When i saw the distinguished leaders (US president along with Pakistan PM) address a press conference in white house lawns, i wondered how dumb the judgment of the voters of the happening democracy like USA could be in electing Bush...where was this McCain 4 or even 8 years ago, was he a family appeaser like we find in India ...after all this is not a running a C store if am not there you can buy from my son Jr. the Bush. Was Mccain’s identity, his heroism and maverickness shadowed by Baby Bush's wailing to be the next president...clearly his confused leadership of a super power has cost the world fact it was Jr. Bush who was not ready for Presidency then and am afraid even after 2 centuries would not be either.
My sister has been a music student for over a decade now with a teacher and performs fairly well good music knowledge and voice culture a rare combination good enough to hold (if not enthrall) audience for 3 hours...
However the teacher assured her a 10 min appearance in the break session during her kid-grand daughter's concert who is a US citizen kid who barely started speaking a year ago. (Had the kid been a music prodigy or exceptionally good that would be different case). The same teacher would comment adversely when Pundit Ravi Shankar accompanies his biological daughter on the dais to ‘introduce or hand hold’...that nepotism is running the an evolving democracy like India it is inevitable but also in a seasoned democracy like USA, reflects in the choice of Jr. Bush.
Bush is the hidden architect of Obama’s political success, Lehman Brothers(Layman or Layoff brothers) episode and economy just came handy and McCain’s one leg in grave…age may not be factor in exuding energies or effort but ‘generation gap’(not mere age gap) is the fear that drove the younger voters to Obama (Hey look grandpa might not understand ye all!). Ironically every field of career has a retirement age…but not politics.
And the winner is US democracy:
That's the beauty with 'driving change' and giving an opportunity...younger bride can be more productive. More chances of fertility.
One more +ve unsung attribute of US democracy, they can bring down their leaders after their max 2 terms...which cannot happen in any other contemporary political system...the leaders would glue to the seat of power or fight for it unto death.
Whereas in the USA however good or bad the President may be, they replace him/or her like a soiled T-shirt...sharply by end of 8 years, no matter what. Thanks to that rule and abiding by the systems.
In India or in erstwhile the common argument against it is, “in an unorganized world it is so tough to 'cut grooves' in people's memory and therefore we can't retire from politics till we die. Only death can separate us from power or race to power. Where as in organized Obama is possible due to its transparency in funding for elections etc. in India such a feat is impossible within one human life time”. This is key differentiator of USA from the rest of the world.
The moral of this election is: It is not the length of the river that matters but the invisible depth of it that delivers volumes.
Amazon prevails over Nile.
Grey matter matters, but not grey hair alone.
-Indee Nemani,