Violation of Alferd Nobel's Will
While the people in high places, other govt. offices have no choice but to congratulate and add some rosy words to the President and Supreme Commander of Armed forces of USA...the certified intellectuals of the world should get some fodder out of this Obama being conferred Peace Nobel....I was reminded of the Hindi adage (which translates to ...the one with stick drives home the buffaloe...jiski haathme lathi bhains vo le jayega.) It's like tabloids selling 'celeb' merchandise...for a sceintist it takes a life time to prove his invention and stand by the test of fire and Time...but for a powerful guy it's like a pizza, delivered even before it is ordered...
It sounds like a cheap publicity stunt by the Nobel committee and invokes the need of reviewing their credentials to do that job.
It’s like my promising kid hopes to become a cardiologist in future and save lives, give me a loan based on his future income…will banks ever do it? Or is it the influence or hangover of future’s trading on itellectuals.
Or by wantonly choosing to become controversial they wished to bask in the glory of the current president?
For a scientist’s small scale experiment to be awarded the committee needs it to withstand test of fire or time to judge etc. and for a established celebrity’s plan of work itself is great.
One can argue…the committee may have to say..while others bask in the glory of Nobel, we are soaked in the rain of attention by awarding it to Obama.
They can also use the cliché…Obama adds value to Nobel committees judgment…while others take from it…
It has become like, “I have appeared on the same talk show on which MJ or monica show appeared …” or "my villa in Beverley hills is right across street Kate’s…I met her at a party but refrained from shaking hands…and said Oh movies…u said u acted in Titanic was it a space ship disaster? Lest she should think I am a movie buff.”
It sounds like highest newsmaker will take it all…TRP prevails over anything, anywhere and over anyone...
If ordinary people were to apply for say a booker or pulitzer prize… they have be a UK published published writer, some specific nationality, some competitions/roles even have with ‘native english speaking ancestry requirement' etc. and but here its seems a dark horse can jump the rules especially if it's big and visible. They would brag about 'submission guidlines' literary agents, representing...a whole labrynth of redtape and organized racket. Who is representing you would matter more than what is being represented...or presenters and their blessings matter.
It’s like, “Unless u are skimpily clad great looking ex-model you cannot write a cookbook…(culinary skills irrelevant)…
If the office(branding) one holds gets weightage in consideration for such open competetions, small invenstions from MIT will weigh more than significant ones from lesser rated school.
But unfortunately that's the way world's working, brand image prevails over product quality.
Endless Jokes apart there is a serious issue that can result in revocation.
If the law of the land permits, they could be liable for this serious faux pass… i wonder what lawyers in Norway are doing about it...
Here is the original text of the Alferd Nobel’s noble and generous will unparalleled in history:
“The whole of my remaining realizable estate shall be dealt with in the following way: the capital, invested in safe securities by my executors, shall constitute a fund, the interest on which shall be annually distributed in the form of prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind …….and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses….independent of nationality…”
‘Shall have done’; in English grammar is future perfect continuous.
And also in the preceding sentence .. “during the preceding year, shall have conferred…”
Now which part of the clauses the distinguished committee members failed to understand. Ánd harping on the 'during the preceding year' part of the Will what exactly our candidate do during the preceding year...campaign, campaign and campaign. It was Anti-Bush, Osama-at-large, lame duck aging rival such factors that contributed to change to the washington. In Telugu language there is an idiom that translates to , "The squint eye is better than no eye at all...guddilo mella or the one eyed rules in the valley of blind." While the rest of talent in USA is busy gaming in Wall street and consuming Oil with SUVs, and aliens busy with INS working towards their Green Cards, this talented orator had virtually no competition, but his knowledge of and proximity to problems and reality (being the positive side).
No doubt Obama’s name is amazing, his story, his origin everything detail about him is unique and news making… but u cannot call him a suddenly a cardiac surgeon and hope that he operate upon the ailing...if Africa got the pyramid, well Americas got Obama...but still you can't paint him god.
…like his rival put it during election campaign, he is the biggest celebrity like Paris Hilton…
Selling hope might be a new concept to Europe..buts it’s a daily business in India, sales thrives on selling hope…they should visit and meet Indian real estate salesmen…they sell one plot to 3 customers hoping to get 'regularizations from government on illegal constructions'…phase 1 has got approvals …u can book plots from phase 2 as approval pending (like patent pending…) … the preachers sell the hope of heavens and forgiving gods (like writeoffs), the teachers sell the hope of admission to the best schools, the leaders who thrive of issues sell the hope to resolve them(which they don’t like to)… it’s a cliched concept here to the extent there is an adage in Telugu language translates to “the guy is showing heaven on palm”. Whereas, as Obama himself has rightly put it, being the luckiest person on earth; I would say his port of entry to this world being United States he got a podium called USA to pitch and Air his hopes like no other individual on the planet…standing on an amicable giant’s shoulders. Elsewhere his hope song would be a wailing in the Sahara.
Corrective Action item on the distinguished President:
Ajudging himself, it would be best move for the President to politely decline the award and edit history (and get TRP bonus), talk to himself in a mirror, "Let history judge your actions...Call for action been already made by my electors, hoping that you will act ur words, when they voted for you and not this distinguished committee of intellectuals who can change their rules according to players...would they have given you a damn had u had lost the election? Obama your actions to be judged by History, too big a bite for a committee like that who are singing thy glory. Amen!"
It sounds like a cheap publicity stunt by the Nobel committee and invokes the need of reviewing their credentials to do that job.
It’s like my promising kid hopes to become a cardiologist in future and save lives, give me a loan based on his future income…will banks ever do it? Or is it the influence or hangover of future’s trading on itellectuals.
Or by wantonly choosing to become controversial they wished to bask in the glory of the current president?
For a scientist’s small scale experiment to be awarded the committee needs it to withstand test of fire or time to judge etc. and for a established celebrity’s plan of work itself is great.
One can argue…the committee may have to say..while others bask in the glory of Nobel, we are soaked in the rain of attention by awarding it to Obama.
They can also use the cliché…Obama adds value to Nobel committees judgment…while others take from it…
It has become like, “I have appeared on the same talk show on which MJ or monica show appeared …” or "my villa in Beverley hills is right across street Kate’s…I met her at a party but refrained from shaking hands…and said Oh movies…u said u acted in Titanic was it a space ship disaster? Lest she should think I am a movie buff.”
It sounds like highest newsmaker will take it all…TRP prevails over anything, anywhere and over anyone...
If ordinary people were to apply for say a booker or pulitzer prize… they have be a UK published published writer, some specific nationality, some competitions/roles even have with ‘native english speaking ancestry requirement' etc. and but here its seems a dark horse can jump the rules especially if it's big and visible. They would brag about 'submission guidlines' literary agents, representing...a whole labrynth of redtape and organized racket. Who is representing you would matter more than what is being represented...or presenters and their blessings matter.
It’s like, “Unless u are skimpily clad great looking ex-model you cannot write a cookbook…(culinary skills irrelevant)…
If the office(branding) one holds gets weightage in consideration for such open competetions, small invenstions from MIT will weigh more than significant ones from lesser rated school.
But unfortunately that's the way world's working, brand image prevails over product quality.
Endless Jokes apart there is a serious issue that can result in revocation.
If the law of the land permits, they could be liable for this serious faux pass… i wonder what lawyers in Norway are doing about it...
Here is the original text of the Alferd Nobel’s noble and generous will unparalleled in history:
“The whole of my remaining realizable estate shall be dealt with in the following way: the capital, invested in safe securities by my executors, shall constitute a fund, the interest on which shall be annually distributed in the form of prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind …….and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses….independent of nationality…”
‘Shall have done’; in English grammar is future perfect continuous.
And also in the preceding sentence .. “during the preceding year, shall have conferred…”
Now which part of the clauses the distinguished committee members failed to understand. Ánd harping on the 'during the preceding year' part of the Will what exactly our candidate do during the preceding year...campaign, campaign and campaign. It was Anti-Bush, Osama-at-large, lame duck aging rival such factors that contributed to change to the washington. In Telugu language there is an idiom that translates to , "The squint eye is better than no eye at all...guddilo mella or the one eyed rules in the valley of blind." While the rest of talent in USA is busy gaming in Wall street and consuming Oil with SUVs, and aliens busy with INS working towards their Green Cards, this talented orator had virtually no competition, but his knowledge of and proximity to problems and reality (being the positive side).
No doubt Obama’s name is amazing, his story, his origin everything detail about him is unique and news making… but u cannot call him a suddenly a cardiac surgeon and hope that he operate upon the ailing...if Africa got the pyramid, well Americas got Obama...but still you can't paint him god.
…like his rival put it during election campaign, he is the biggest celebrity like Paris Hilton…
Selling hope might be a new concept to Europe..buts it’s a daily business in India, sales thrives on selling hope…they should visit and meet Indian real estate salesmen…they sell one plot to 3 customers hoping to get 'regularizations from government on illegal constructions'…phase 1 has got approvals …u can book plots from phase 2 as approval pending (like patent pending…) … the preachers sell the hope of heavens and forgiving gods (like writeoffs), the teachers sell the hope of admission to the best schools, the leaders who thrive of issues sell the hope to resolve them(which they don’t like to)… it’s a cliched concept here to the extent there is an adage in Telugu language translates to “the guy is showing heaven on palm”. Whereas, as Obama himself has rightly put it, being the luckiest person on earth; I would say his port of entry to this world being United States he got a podium called USA to pitch and Air his hopes like no other individual on the planet…standing on an amicable giant’s shoulders. Elsewhere his hope song would be a wailing in the Sahara.
Corrective Action item on the distinguished President:
Ajudging himself, it would be best move for the President to politely decline the award and edit history (and get TRP bonus), talk to himself in a mirror, "Let history judge your actions...Call for action been already made by my electors, hoping that you will act ur words, when they voted for you and not this distinguished committee of intellectuals who can change their rules according to players...would they have given you a damn had u had lost the election? Obama your actions to be judged by History, too big a bite for a committee like that who are singing thy glory. Amen!"