3rd of many , gamyam gathi

From: Indee Nemani <indee4u@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 24, 2016, 16:17
Subject: entha varaku, evari koraku, gamyam
To: indee4u <indee4u@gmail.com>

enthavarakU endukoraku vintaparugu ani aDakku
gamanamEdi gamyam ayitE bATalOnE bratuku doruku
praSna lOnE badulu undE gurtu paTTE gunDenaDugu

Ask not where to and what  for this  weird run
When thy  journey is thy goal,  the path becomes life and living.
Answer is nested in the Quest,  ask thy heart that can spot.

prapancham niIlO undani cheppedAkA A nijam telusukOvA
telistE prati chOTa ninnu nuvvE kalusukoni palakarinchukOvA

Know  the world is a projection of thyself
Having known this you meet and greet thyself  in everyone

kanapaDEvennenni keraTAlu kalagalipi samudramanTAru
aDagarE okkoka alapErU
manakilA edurAina prativAru manishanE sandranakeraTAlu
palakarE manishi anTE evarU

When  the  name  of  each  wave  doesn’t  matter   together  hailed as  Ocean
but when addressed as Human none responds, (other identities pop up and matter)

sarigA chUstunnadA 

nI madi madilO nuvvE kada unnaddi
chuTTu addalalO viDiviDi rUpAlU nuvvu kAdanTunnadi

Are you viewing right?  It’s you in the heart of your hearts
Saying the different beings  in  mirrored room are not thine.

nI UpirilO lEdA gAli veluturu nI chuppullO lEdA
mannU minnU nIru anni kalipitE nuvvE kAdA.. kAdA

Air in your breath,  Light in ur vision,
Earth,  Ether and water all Elements together  make you.

manasulO nIvAina bhAvAlE bayaTakanipistAyi druSyAlE
nIDalu nijala sAkshAlE

Thoughts and feelings project from within as scenes outside
Shadows  trail behind,  are evidences  of Truths

Satruvulu nilOnE lOpAlE snEhitulu nikunna isTAlE
rutuvulu nI bhAva chitrAlE

The Defects  within your foes, your ‘likes’  your friends
The seasons outside are portraits  of your moods  (no matter what ambience seasons mood matters)

edurAina mandahAsam nIlOni chelimikOsAm
mOsAm rOsham dwEsham nI makili madiki bhAshyam
puTakA chAvU rEnDE renDu nIkavi sontham kAvu pOnI
jIvitakAlAm nIdE nEstam rangulu yemvEstAvO kAni..

When you encounter true smiles,  expect  friendship
Deceit,  rage,  prejudice  personify  dirt in thy mind.
Birth, Death are two realities not just for thee alone
It’s Your lifetime,  up to you make it colorful and glee . 


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